What Makes a Livingstonean

There are three (3) basic characteristics that an LSIS student must possess, demonstrate, and practice as part of their daily lives wherever they may be:

Greet well. A warm and pleasant personality, courteous to everyone, and mindful of the needs of other people, characterizes a Living Stonean.

Arrange well. “Clean as you go”; “Clean up your own mess”; “Leave the room the way it was when you came in”, are some of the directives (whether written or unwritten) that a Living Stonean is naturally responsive to. Raised in the philosophy that “Cleanliness is a way of life”, an LSIS student is a “steward of the school” who takes part in ensuring the upkeep, safety, and security of his learning environment.

Use time well; be punctual. An LSIS student is prompt and conscious of time; that, time in school must be spent productively and purposively.

These are basic manifestations of the school’s core values which the school considers as necessary tools to become a successful leader.

  • The Core Values






  • The School Motto

    “Jesus first. Others second. Yourself third”